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10 Roblox VR Games You Should Know About in 2023

  • Gaming
roblox vr games title on the right and beside three characters from Roblox games

Roblox has been a hub for creativity, and with the rise of VR gaming, this platform has not been left behind. If you’re on the hunt for the most immersive Roblox VR games on Quest, you’re in for a treat. Let’s delve into some of the top-notch experiences this platform offers.


Roblox blonde male character standing on the left with a tunnel background in gray

Drawing inspiration from the iconic Portal, Tunneler presents players with an aesthetically pleasing environment, intricate puzzles, and a narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat. As you awaken in a mysterious facility under the watchful eye of an AI robot, you must navigate through test chambers, utilizing a unique portal gun to solve challenges, all while secretly plotting your escape.



Offering a trifecta of parkour, combat, and puzzles, Etchworks immerses players in a fast-paced environment. Beyond just navigating the levels, players are equipped with a classic crowbar, advanced weapons, and tools that assist in various challenges. The physical interaction, such as climbing and jumping, is amplified when playing cooperatively with friends, taking the gameplay to new heights.

Energy Assault

Roblox Soldier is hiding behind a wall while another soldier is firing at him blue laser shots
Energy Assault | Wondeverse

Set in a futuristic world, Energy Assault combines elements from iconic games like Halo and Call of Duty. Players are thrust onto a battlefield with super soldiers wielding energy weapons. Multiple game modes like domination, gun game, and King of the Hill keep gameplay fresh. As you level up, you’re presented with challenges, unlocking an array of weapons, skins, and outfits.

VR Hangout

A social hub for both VR and non-VR players, VR Hangout offers a plethora of activities. Whether you’re showcasing your musical talents on the piano, engaging in a giant air hockey match, or racing RC cars, there’s something for everyone. A unique feature allows VR players to interact with non-VR players directly, aiding them in tasks or even launching them into orbit!

Clashier’s VR

Clashers - Roblox medival man standing with a sword and a purple hat

Set against a medieval backdrop, Clashier’s VR is all about defense. Waves of comically floppy enemies relentlessly attack your castle. Teaming up with up to three players, you use swords, shields, bows, and even hand-to-hand combat, strategically using the environment to your advantage and ensuring your stronghold remains intact.

Nerf Strike

Woman with a blue mask standing and holding an orange nerf gun in her hands

A laid-back shooter, Nerf Strike offers vibrant, interactive maps packed with features like moving doors, jump pads, and cannons. As you progress, you unlock a diverse arsenal, from sentries to miniguns. However, the game ensures balance, meaning even with basic gear, teamwork and skill are paramount.

Jungle Bungalows

Title of Jungle Bungalows in green with a night background with the moon in the jungle

A quirky take on the Gorilla Attack concept, Jungle Bungalows pits players against each other in a jungle setting. Each map offers unique challenges, with various hiding and hunting spots. It’s not just about combat; strategic gameplay is vital to emerge as the victor.

VR Hands

TWO yellow faces with hands holding a rock

A sandbox paradise, VR Hands offers a space where players can come together and interact with a myriad of objects and activities. From classic games like chess to unique challenges like miming, VR Hands encourages creativity and social interaction.

Crazy Stairs VR

Red stairs with a purple background

A game of mischief and cooperation, Crazy Stairs VR tasks non-VR players with climbing an array of stairs. VR players have the god-like ability to either assist or hinder their progress, making each game unpredictable and entertaining.

Poser VR

Two red headed roblox women looking rhe same looking at each other with Horror

For adrenaline junkies, Poser VR is a chaotic open-world combat game. Players are thrown into a tumultuous arena, with firefights erupting from every direction. Friendships are fleeting, as alliances can quickly turn into betrayals. With a vast array of weapons and power-ups, every game is a unique experience.


In conclusion, the Roblox platform offers an array of VR experiences for Quest users. While some worlds are still in beta, the featured games provide immersive VR controls, elevating the gaming experience. From running your own restaurant in Kook Burgers to becoming a flying creature in Noodle VR, or defending an airship in Skywinds, Roblox never ceases to amaze.

So, which one of these gems has caught your fancy?